PhD Study

PhD Study

Basic info

The Institute of Forest Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, acts as an external educational institution for PhD-study, based on the agreement on cooperation between the Technical University in Zvolen and the Institute of Forest Ecology dated 18th August 2020.

At the Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, we cooperate in:
Field of study: Ecological and Environmental Sciences
Study programme: Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation
The guarantor of the field of study at IFE SAS is Dr Anton Krištín

At the Faculty of Forestry, we cooperate in:
Field of study: Forestry
Study programmes: Forest Ecology, Forestry Phytology
The guarantor of the field of study at IFE SAS is Dr Rastislav Jakuš

The internal criteria and requirements for PhD students at IFE SAS

Kritériá na prijímacie pohovory pre doktorandské študijné programy na akademický rok 2024/25

Prijímacie pohovory 2024 – informácie

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