28th IAPS Conference

28th IAPS Conference

From 2. to 5. July took place The International Conference Association People-Environment Studies – Barcelona on the topic “Enacting Transdisciplinar Knowledge: People, Places, Movements and Sustainabilities”, where the lectures were devoted to the following topics:

  1. Climate Change and sustainability – Changing human behavior,
  2. Natural and urban environments – The transitions of cities,
  3. Participation, citizenship and environmental justice,
  4. Place attachment: Space, gender and post-colonialism,
  5. Mobility, habits and needs,
  6. Information, communication management and construction of realities.

The conference highlighted the importance of finding solutions to major societal challenges and problems that we must face together as humanity.

Speakers from around the world attended the conference to present case studies from their countries. Our joint project team COEVOLVERS was also represented, where in addition to me as a representative of Living Lab (LL) Beskydy, representatives of LLs from Italy, Scotland and Finland participated.

During the conference, I gathered new information and knowledge on individual thematic blocks. I had an active performance with a presentation (prepared together with Prof. Kluvanková and Dr. Špaček) entitled Assessing the Socio-politics of Nature-Based Solutions: first results from interviews, surveys, and Role Board Game, during which I presented to the participants the results of guided interviews and our Role Board Game Ecopoly – our activities in the COEVOLVERS project.

Autor: Ing. Tomáš Szabo, PhD.