Kulfan Ján
Animal and Ecological Interactions RG
Research staff
Kulfan Ján, RNDr., CSc.
Department: Institute of Forest Ecology SAS Zvolen
Ľudovíta Štúra 1774/2
960 01 Zvolen
Phone: +421 45 5241 111, kl.126,
Email: kulfan@ife.sk
Research Interests:
- Structure and diversity of moth larval assemblages on forest woody species (Quercus, Picea, Abies, Fagus, Carpinus etc.)
- Effects of environmental factors and human impacts on forest insects
- Colonization of local habitats and microhabitats by non-native invasive insect species associated with woody plants
- Economic significance of forest insects
- Faunistics and distribution of butterflies and moths
- Threatened and indicator insect species of conservation interest
- Landscape management aimed at biodiversity conservation
- CSc. in Entomology, Comenius University, Bratislava (1986)
- RNDr. Comenius University, Bratislava (1981)
- VEGA 2/0012/17: Importance of local habitats and microhabitats for spacial distribution of forest and arboricolous arthropods (Význam lokálnych habitatov a mikrohabitatov pre priestorovú distribúciu lesných a arborikolných článkonožcov)
- VEGA 2/0052/15: Functionally important animals in forest dynamics in new environmental conditions (Funkčne významné živočíchy v dynamike lesných ekosystémov v nových environmentálnych podmienkach)
- APVV-15- 0348: New methods in an integrated forest protection incorporating the use of entomopathogenic fungi (Nové metódy v integrovanej ochrane lesa zahŕňajúce využitie entomopatogénnych húb)
- APVV-14- 0567: Information and warning system for invasive organisms in the forests and urban aeas (Informačný a varovný systém pre invázne organizmy v lesnom a urbánnom prostredí)