Krištín Anton

Krištín Anton

Evolutionary and Behavioural Ecology RG

RNDr. Krištín Anton, DrSc.

Slovak Academy of Sciences
Institute of Forest Ecology
Evolutionary & Behavioural Ecology Research Group
Ľudovíta Štúra 1774/2
960 01 Zvolen
Phone: +421 902641420


Research Gate:

Research interests: behavioural ecology and reproductive strategies of birds, orthopterans; foraging and feeding ecology of birds, relationships between birds, insects and plants; life decisions and survival strategies in selected endangered species of birds, orthopterans and bats; IUCN Red List of European Orthoptera and principles for species selection in Anex II of Habitats Directive. Applied research is focused on suggestions of rules and principles in habitats management for particular study species and assemblages.


  • DSc. (DrSc.) in Ecology, 010520-010530, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava (2007)
  • PhD. in Ecology and Systematic Zoology, Comenius University, Bratislava (1982-1985)
  • RNDr. Department of Systematic Zoology and Ecology, Comenius University, Bratislava (1980)

Academic employment:

  • Senior scientist, Institute of Forest Ecology, SAS, Zvolen (since 1993)


  • VEGA 2/0097/16 – Ecology and reproductive strategies in related and syntopic living  animals (principal investigator)
  • VEGA 2/0061/15 – Evolutionary ecology of invertebrates using copulation gifts: impact of area, habitat, phenotype and genetics
  • VEGA 2/0035/13 – Reactions of animal species to changing forest structure
  • VEGA 2/0157/11 – Fragmentation and formation of new habitats after forest disturbances: ecological plasticity of species and their communities (principal investigator)
  • APVV 497-10 – Adaptive and non-adaptive changes of phenotype traits evolving in isolated populations


  • Konrad Lorenz Institute of comparative Ethology Wien at Austrian Academy of Sciences (Austria, 11 months in 1996 – 2015)
  • Institute of Zoology Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing (China, 5 months 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2011)
  • Consejo superior de Investigationes Cientificas (CSIC), Estaciones Experimentale de la zonas Aridas, Almeria (Spain, 2 months 1999, 2004)
  • International Ornithological Centre, Eilat, (Israel 2 weeks 1997)
  • Institute of Ecology PAN Warszawa (Poland, 3 months in 1994 -1996)
  • Alexander von Humboldt fellowship – Department of Animal Ecology of University Bayreuth a Department of Applied Zoology of Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (Germany, 13 months in 1991 – 1992);

Scientific – organizational activity:

  • member of the Grant Agency, Commission for Ecological and Biological Sciences at the Slovak Academy of Sciences (1991-1997, 1999-2015)
  • organizator of 28 international ornithological conferences in Slovakia (1988-2015) and 12 international mammaliological conferences (1994-2015)
  • co-organizator of the 11 International conferences in China, Germany, Austria and Poland
  • head of Department of Animal Ecology at the Institute of Forest Ecology of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Zvolen (since 1993)
  • chairman of Committee of experts for Animal conservation  by Slovak environmental Agency Banska Bystrica (since 1994)
  • independent expert European Commission for  NATURA 2000 (Bruxelles, Paris, since 2005)
  • member of the Learned Society in Slovakia (since 2016)
  • chair of Scientific board at Institute of Forest Ecology SAS, Zvolen (since 2017)

Educational activity:

  • supervisor of  11 doctoral dissertations in animal ecology (1 Prague, 1 Munich, 1 České Budějovice, 1 Bratislava, 7 Zvolen);
  • consultant and profesor of 4 foreign PhD. students a Diploma thesis Students (Wirtitsch – Austria 1999, Raess & Schmiedl – Germany 2001-2002, Strasser & Hahner – Germany 2005, Barner – Germany 2016) and 3 post doc stays in Slovakia
  • reviewer for  Ph.D. Thesis, Assis Prof., Professores on following Universities: Munich (1995), Wien (2001), Praha (1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008), České Budějovice (1999, 2001, 2007), Brno (1996, 2008), Bratislava (od r. 1994), Zvolen (since 1992)
  • Chair of the Commission for Dsc./DrSc. theses defences  in the field Ecology (101520-10530) in Czech and Slovak Republics (2010–2015, 2016-2021)
  • Member of Expert Commissions for Ph.D. thesis defending  at following Universities and disciplines: Prague – Zoology (since 1996), Bratislava – Zoology (1994–2010), Zvolen –Ecology (1994–2010), Zvolen – Hunting & game biology (since 2005), Zvolen – General ecology and ecology of individuals and populations (since 2008 guarant of this PhD study at IFE SAS)
  • invited lectures on foreign Universities – Ľviv 1989 (Ukrajine), Bayreuth 1992, Munich 1992, 1993, Bonn 1992, Bochum 1994, 1995, Franfurkt am Main 2002 (Germany), Budapest 1994, 1996, 2002 (Hungary), Wien 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001 (Austria), Praha (1993,1996,1999,2001), Beijing 2003, Xi-An 2003, Kunmimg 2007 (China), Dornbirn 2003 (Austria), Erlangen 2004 (Germany), Olomouc, Czech Rep. (2005), University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK (2013), Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Rep. (2014)
  • lectures and practices: Animal Ecology – PriFUK  Bratislava (1981-1982), – Bayreuth and Munich University (1991-1992)

Editorial & Public activity & Patents:

  • member of editorial boards of international professional journals as  Folia Zoologica (since 1995) , Biologia (Bratislava) (since 1991) – both registered in WOS and CC, Sylvia (Prague, since 1993) registered in SCOPUS, Tichodroma (Bratislava – editor in chief since 2006) registered in Zoological records
  • independent expert of European Commision for  NATURA 2000 (Bruxelles, Paris, since 2005)
  • member of Grasshopper Specialist Group by IUCN (Bruxelles, since 2013)
  • member of European Ornithologist Union Committee (1997-2003)
  • reviewer in CC journals (e.g. Science, Nature, Behavioral Processes, Behaviour, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Biodiversity and Conservation, Journal of Arid environment, Journal of Ethology, Oecologia (Berlin), Oikos, Ornis fennica, Polish Journal of Ecology, Acta zoologica sinica, Folia zoologica, Biologia, Journal of Ornithology, Acta ornithological, Auk, Ibis…)
  • member of scientific and professional unions: a/ Czech Ornithological Society, b/ Slovak Ornithological Society (vicepresident), c/ Slovak Zoological Society, d/ Slovak Entomological Society
  • over 280 lectures at conferences, symposiums, workshops, congresses
  • over 160 expertises, reviews and statements
  • 9 patents on pheromone preparations and trapping systems for insects, six of them realized in praxis


1985: Golden medal Incheba – for pheromone trap and preparates for bark beetles

1992: Alexander von Humboldt fellow

1995, 2006, 2016:  Bronz, silver & golden medal of Prof. Oskár Ferianc – for development of zoology and animal ecology in Slovakia

2000, 2001, 2002, 2012, 2013: Three Premium awards and two Prices of Slovak Literature foundation for international important monographs

2011: Honorary plaquette of Slovak Academy of Sciences for progress in biological sciences

2016: Medal of Rector of the Technical univerzity in Zvolen – for long term cooperation with Technical univerzity in Zvolen

List of my publications:

68 entries « 1 of 2 »


Solar parks can enhance bird diversity in agricultural landscape

Jarčuška, Benjamín; Gálffyová, Monika; Schnürmacher, Richard; Baláž, Michal; Mišík, Miloslav; Repel, Matej; Fulín, Miroslav; Kerestúr, Dušan; Lackovičová, Zuzana; Mojžiš, Marian; Zámečník, Matej; Kaňuch, Peter; Krištín, Anton

Solar parks can enhance bird diversity in agricultural landscape Journal Article

Journal of Environmental Management, 351 , pp. 119902, 2024, ISSN: 0301-4797.

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Phylogenetic insights into Central European Chorthippus and Pseudochorthippus (Orthoptera: Acrididae) species using ddRADseq data

Schmidt, Robin; Dufresnes, Christophe; Krištín, Anton; Künzel, Sven; Vences, Miguel; Hawlitschek, Oliver

Phylogenetic insights into Central European Chorthippus and Pseudochorthippus (Orthoptera: Acrididae) species using ddRADseq data Journal Article

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 193 , pp. 108012, 2024, ISSN: 1055-7903.

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Local population decline of the threatened Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor is linked to the modernisation of the rural landscape

Krištín, Anton; Hoi, Herbert; Kaňuch, Peter

Local population decline of the threatened Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor is linked to the modernisation of the rural landscape Journal Article

Bird Conservation International, 34 , 2024, ISSN: 1474-0001.

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Maternity roosts of the giant noctule, Nyctalus lasiopterus, in preserved and disturbed forests of the Western Carpathians

Kaňuch, Peter; Lőbbová, Denisa; Bovin, Clémence; Ružinská, Romana; Jarčuška, Benjamín; Krištín, Anton; Kaňuchová, Andrea

Maternity roosts of the giant noctule, Nyctalus lasiopterus, in preserved and disturbed forests of the Western Carpathians Journal Article

Journal of Vertebrate Biology, 73 (24022), 2024, ISSN: 2694-7684.

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Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor at the North-Western Edge of Its Range: Comments to Population Decline and Migration Strategies

Krištín, Anton

Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor at the North-Western Edge of Its Range: Comments to Population Decline and Migration Strategies Journal Article

European Journal of Ecology, 10 , pp. 20-22, 2024.



Movement patterns of the endemic flightless bush-cricket, Isophya beybienkoi

Nuhlíčková, Soňa; Svetlík, Ján; Kaňuch, Peter; Krištín, Anton; Jarčuška, Benjamín

Movement patterns of the endemic flightless bush-cricket, Isophya beybienkoi Journal Article

Journal of Insect Conservation, 2023, ISSN: 1572-9753.

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Recent growth in occurrences of Acrida ungarica (Orthoptera: Acrididae) at the northern margin of the species range: Is it the result of global warming?

KENYERES, Zoltán; BAUER, Norbert; ZUNA-KRATKY, Thomas; MAGYARI, Máté; SKEJO, Josip; KRIŠTÍN, Anton

Recent growth in occurrences of Acrida ungarica (Orthoptera: Acrididae) at the northern margin of the species range: Is it the result of global warming? Journal Article

European Journal of Entomology, 120 , pp. 338–345, 2023, ISSN: 1802-8829.

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Non-breeding sites, loop migration and flight activity patterns over the annual cycle in the Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor from a north-western edge of its range

Adamík, Peter; Wong, Joanna B; Hahn, Steffen; Krištín, Anton

Non-breeding sites, loop migration and flight activity patterns over the annual cycle in the Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor from a north-western edge of its range Journal Article

Journal of Ornithology, 2023, ISSN: 2193-7206.

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Factors affecting the biodiversity of historical landscape elements: detailed analyses from three case studies in Slovakia

Dobrovodská, M; Kanka, R; Gajdoš, P; Krištín, A; Kollár, J; Stašiov, S; Lieskovský, J

Factors affecting the biodiversity of historical landscape elements: detailed analyses from three case studies in Slovakia Journal Article

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195 (6), 2023, ISSN: 1573-2959.

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Body size traits in the flightless bush-cricket are plastic rather than locally adapted along an elevational gradient

Jarčuška, Benjamín; Krištín, Anton; Kaňuch, Peter

Body size traits in the flightless bush-cricket are plastic rather than locally adapted along an elevational gradient Journal Article

Evolutionary Ecology, 37 (3), pp. 509–530, 2023, ISSN: 1573-8477.

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Salvage Logging Strongly Affects Woodpecker Abundance and Reproduction: a Meta-analysis

Basile, Marco; Krištín, Anton; Mikusiński, Grzegorz; Thorn, Simon; Żmihorski, Michał; Pasinelli, Gilberto; Brockerhoff, Eckehard G

Salvage Logging Strongly Affects Woodpecker Abundance and Reproduction: a Meta-analysis Journal Article

Current Forestry Reports, (9), pp. 1-14, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Breeding behaviour and cluster breeding of the Goosander  (Mergus merganser) in urban environment

Kočí, Ján; Krištín, Anton

Breeding behaviour and cluster breeding of the Goosander (Mergus merganser) in urban environment Journal Article

Tichodroma, 35 (3 – 12), 2023, ISBN: ISSN 1337-026X.



Seasonal changes of bird assemblages in a small urban wetland revealed by mist-netting

Krištín, Anton; Blaženec, Miroslav; Kaňuch, Peter

Seasonal changes of bird assemblages in a small urban wetland revealed by mist-netting Journal Article

Tichodroma, (34), pp. 19–28, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

On food composition and foraging ecology of the Western Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava) in Western Slovakia

Kočí, Ján; Krištín, Anton

On food composition and foraging ecology of the Western Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava) in Western Slovakia Journal Article

Tichodroma, (34), pp. 63–69, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Distribution of the European mole cricket Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (Orthoptera) in Slovakia

Danilák, Martin; Lukáň, Martin; Krištín, Anton

Distribution of the European mole cricket Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (Orthoptera) in Slovakia Journal Article

Travaux, 65 (1), pp. 15–23, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Frekvence krmení a potrava na hnízdě dudka chocholatého (Upupa epops): případová studie z východních Čech

Diviš, Tomáš; Krištín, Anton

Frekvence krmení a potrava na hnízdě dudka chocholatého (Upupa epops): případová studie z východních Čech Journal Article

Sylvia, 58 (2), pp. 61-75, 2022.

Abstract | BibTeX

První prokázaná městská hnízdění výrečka malého (Otus scops) v Česku

Grim, Tomáš; Kovařík, Petr; Harmáčková, Lenka; Tošenovský, Evžen; Hladká, Tereza; Spáčil, Patrik; Poprach, Anton Krištín Karel; Sviečka, Jiří

První prokázaná městská hnízdění výrečka malého (Otus scops) v Česku Journal Article

Sylvia, 58 (2), pp. 17-35, 2022, ISSN: 0231-7796.

Abstract | BibTeX

First records of the alien bush-crickets Rhacocleis annulata Fieber, 1853 and Yersinella raymondii (Yersin, 1860) (Orthoptera) in Slovakia

Krištín, Anton; Čapka, Ján; Zláma, Norbert; Demeš, Pavol

First records of the alien bush-crickets Rhacocleis annulata Fieber, 1853 and Yersinella raymondii (Yersin, 1860) (Orthoptera) in Slovakia Journal Article

BioInvasions Records, 11 (2), pp. 383–389, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Grasshoppers, crickets (Orthoptera) and mantids (Mantodea) of the Latorica Protected Landscape Area

Krištín, Anton; Balla, Miloš

Grasshoppers, crickets (Orthoptera) and mantids (Mantodea) of the Latorica Protected Landscape Area Book Chapter

Invertebrates of the Latorica Protected Landscape Area, pp. 236-250, SNC SR Banská Bystrica and Administration of the Latorica PLA Trebišov, 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX

Abundance of wintering waterbirds on the Hron River (Slovakia) in 2007–2020

Urban, Peter; Baláž, Michal; Hrúz, Vladimír; Krištín, Anton

Abundance of wintering waterbirds on the Hron River (Slovakia) in 2007–2020 Journal Article

Sylvia, 57 , pp. 21-38, 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX

Diet of the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni at post-breeding roosts in southern Albania

Krištín, Anton; Bělka, Tomáš; Horal, David; Bino, Taulant

Diet of the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni at post-breeding roosts in southern Albania Journal Article

Raptor Journal, 14 (1), pp. 15-22, 2021, ISSN: 1337-3463.

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Molecular biogeography of the fungus-dwelling saproxylic beetle Bolitophagus reticulatus indicates rapid expansion from glacial refugia

Eberle, Jonas; Husemann, Martin; Doerfler, Inken; Werner, Ulrich; Müller, Jörg; Christophe, Bouget; Brin, Antoine; Gossner, Martin; Heilmann-Clausen, Jacob; Isacsson, Gunnar; Krištín, Anton; Lachat, Thibault; Larrieu, Laurent; Rigling, Andreas; Schmidl, Jürgen; Seibold, Sebastian; Vandekerkhove, Kris; Jan, Christian Habel

Molecular biogeography of the fungus-dwelling saproxylic beetle Bolitophagus reticulatus indicates rapid expansion from glacial refugia Journal Article

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 133 (3), pp. 766-778, 2021, ISSN: 0024-4066.

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On the occurrence and diet of a migrating Woodchat Shrike (Lanius senator) in Slovakia

Ján, Koči; Anton, Krištín

On the occurrence and diet of a migrating Woodchat Shrike (Lanius senator) in Slovakia Journal Article

Tichodroma, pp. 47-50, 2021, ISSN: 1337-026X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

On breeding density and unusual breeding behaviour of the Short-toed Treecreeper (Certhia brachydactyla) in Western Slovakia

Ján, Koči; Anton, Krištín

On breeding density and unusual breeding behaviour of the Short-toed Treecreeper (Certhia brachydactyla) in Western Slovakia Journal Article

Tichodroma, pp. 57-62, 2021, ISSN: 1337-026X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Ptáci Česka a Slovenska: Ottův obrazový atlas

Šťastný, Karel; Krištín, Anton

Ptáci Česka a Slovenska: Ottův obrazový atlas Book

Ottovo nakladatelství, 2021, ISBN: 978-80-7451-866-9.


Unusual breeding of the Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) and Crested Tit (Lophophanes cristatus) in urban environment

Babicová, Nina; Babicová, Ružena; Pavlíková, Jana; Krištín, Anton

Unusual breeding of the Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) and Crested Tit (Lophophanes cristatus) in urban environment Journal Article

Tichodroma, 33 (1), 2021, ISSN: 2644-4992.

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The mosaic distribution pattern of two sister bush-cricket species and the possible role of reproductive interference

Dorková, Martina; Krištín, Anton; Jarčuška, Benjamín; Kaňuch, Peter

The mosaic distribution pattern of two sister bush-cricket species and the possible role of reproductive interference Journal Article

Ecology and Evolution, 10 (5), pp. 2570-2578, 2020, ISSN: 2045-7758.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Stav ochrany vtáctva na Slovensku v rokoch 2013 –2018

Černecký, Ján; Lešo, Peter; Ridzoň, Jozef; Krištín, Anton; Karaska, Dušan; Darolová, Alžbeta; Fulín, Miroslav; Chavko, Jozef; Bohuš, Mirko; Krajniak, Dušan; Ďuricová, Viktória; Lešová, Andrea; Čuláková, Jana; Saxa, Andrej; Durkošová, Jana; Andráš, Peter

Stav ochrany vtáctva na Slovensku v rokoch 2013 –2018 Book

Štátna ochrana prírody SR, 2020, ISBN: 978–80–8184–084–5.


An annotated checklist of crickets, grasshoppers and their allies (Orthoptera) in Slovakia

Krištín, Anton; Jarčuška, Benjamín; Kaňuch, Peter

An annotated checklist of crickets, grasshoppers and their allies (Orthoptera) in Slovakia Journal Article

Zootaxa, 4869 (2), pp. 207-241, 2020, ISSN: 1175-5334.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Quantitative biogeography of Orthoptera does not support classical qualitative regionalization of the Carpathian Mountains

Jarčuška, Benjamín; Kaňuch, Peter; Naďo, Ladislav; Krištín, Anton

Quantitative biogeography of Orthoptera does not support classical qualitative regionalization of the Carpathian Mountains Journal Article

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society : a journal of evolution, 128 (4), pp. 887-900, 2019, ISSN: 0024-4066.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Null model analyses of temporal patterns of bird assemblages and their foraging guilds revealed the predominance of positive and random associations

Korňan, Martin; Svitok, Marek; Krištín, Anton

Null model analyses of temporal patterns of bird assemblages and their foraging guilds revealed the predominance of positive and random associations Journal Article

Ecology and Evolution, 9 (5), pp. 8541-8554, 2019, ISBN: 2045-7758.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Make EU trade with Brazil sustainable

Kehoe, Laura; Reis, Tiago; Virah-Sawmy, Malika; Balmford, Andrew; Kuemmerle, Tobias; Krištín, Anton; Jarčuška, Benjamín; Kanka, Róbert

Make EU trade with Brazil sustainable Journal Article

Science, 364 (6438), 2019, ISSN: 0036-8075.

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Notes on a small collection of phaneropterine bush-crickets (Insecta: Orthoptera: Tettigonioidea) from Central and Southern Madagascar with the description of two new species

Heller, K-G; Hemp, C; Massa, B; Rakotondranary, J; Krištín, A

Notes on a small collection of phaneropterine bush-crickets (Insecta: Orthoptera: Tettigonioidea) from Central and Southern Madagascar with the description of two new species Journal Article

Zootaxa, 4563 (2), pp. 297–310, 2019.


The species-rich arthropod communities in fungal fruitbodies are weakly structured by climate and biogeography across European beech forests

Friess, N; Müller, J C; Abrego, N; Aramendi, P; Bässler, C; Bouget, Ch.; Brin, A; Bussler, H; Georgiev, K; Gil, R; Gossner, M M; Heilmann-Clausen, J; Isaacson, G; Krištín, A; Lachat, T; Larrieu, L; Los, S; Magnanou, E; Maringer, A; Mergner, U; Mikolas, M; Opgenoorth, L; Schmidl, J; Svoboda, M; Thorn, S; Vrezec, A; Vanderkhoven, K; Winter, B; Wagner, T; Zapponi, L; Brandl, R; Seibold, S

The species-rich arthropod communities in fungal fruitbodies are weakly structured by climate and biogeography across European beech forests Journal Article

Diversity and Distributions, 2019.

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Assessment of the biocultural value of traditional agricultural landscape on a plot‐by‐plot level: case studies from Slovakia

Dobrovodská, Marta; Kanka, Róbert; David, Stanislav; Kollár, Jozef; Špulerová, Jana; Štefunková, Dagmar; Mojses, Matej; Petrovič, František; Krištín, Anton; Stašiov, Slavomír; Halada, Ľuboš; Gajdoš, Peter

Assessment of the biocultural value of traditional agricultural landscape on a plot‐by‐plot level: case studies from Slovakia Journal Article

Biodiversity and Conservation, 28 , pp. 2615–2645, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

First record of Pholidoptera transsylvanica (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) in Poland

Krištín, Anton; Jarčuška, Benjamín; Dorková, Martina; Kaňuch, Peter

First record of Pholidoptera transsylvanica (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) in Poland Journal Article

Entomological News, 128 (4), pp. 377, 2019.


Assemblages of orthopteroid insects along environmental gradients in central and southern Madagascar

Krištín, Anton; Heller, Klaus-Gerhard; Zemko, Milan; Rakotondranary, Jacques; Jarčuška, Benjamín

Assemblages of orthopteroid insects along environmental gradients in central and southern Madagascar Journal Article

Journal of Orthoptera Research, 28 (2), pp. 155-166, 2019.



Distinctive male–female acoustic duetting supports the specific status of Isophya fatrensis, a West-Carpathian endemic bush-cricket (Insecta: Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae)

Iorgu, I S; Krištín, A; Szövényi, G; Kaňuch, P; Jarčuška, B; Sahlean, T; Iorgu, E I; Orci, K M

Distinctive male–female acoustic duetting supports the specific status of Isophya fatrensis, a West-Carpathian endemic bush-cricket (Insecta: Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae) Journal Article

Bioacoustics , pp. 1-14, 2018.

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Cooperative nest‐defence behaviour and territory quality in a resident and socially monogamous passerine

Naďo, L; Kašová, M; Krištín, A; Kaňuch, P

Cooperative nest‐defence behaviour and territory quality in a resident and socially monogamous passerine Journal Article

Ethology, 124 (7), pp. 514-526, 2018, ISSN: 1439-0310.

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Isolated populations of the bush-cricket Pholidoptera frivaldszkyi (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) in Russia suggest a disjunct area of the species distribution

Kaňuch, P; Dorková, M; Mikhailenko, A P; Polumordvinov, O A; Jarčuška, B; Krištín, A

Isolated populations of the bush-cricket Pholidoptera frivaldszkyi (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) in Russia suggest a disjunct area of the species distribution Journal Article

ZooKeys, 665 , pp. 85-92, 2017.

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Stay or go? Strong winter feeding site fidelity in small woodland passerines revealed by a homing experiment.

Krištín, A; Kaňuch, P

Stay or go? Strong winter feeding site fidelity in small woodland passerines revealed by a homing experiment. Journal Article

Journal of Ornithology, 158 (1), pp. 53-61, 2017, ISSN: 0021-8375.

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Bird diversity in urban green space: A large-scale analysis of differences between parks and cemeteries in Central Europe

Tryjanowski, P; Morelli, F; Mikula, P; Krištín, A; Indykiewicz, P; Grzywaczewski, G; Kronenberg, J; Jerzak, L

Bird diversity in urban green space: A large-scale analysis of differences between parks and cemeteries in Central Europe Journal Article

Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 27 , pp. 264-271, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Abiotic factors and biotic interactions jointly drive spider assemblages in nest-boxes in mixed forests

Černecká, Ľ; Michalko, R; Krištín, A

Abiotic factors and biotic interactions jointly drive spider assemblages in nest-boxes in mixed forests Journal Article

Journal of Arachnology, 45 (2), pp. 213-222, 2017, ISSN: 0161-8202.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

First Record of Keeled Plump Bush-Cricket (Isophya costata Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878) (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) in Slovakia

Nuhlíčková, S; Svetlík, J; Krištín, A

First Record of Keeled Plump Bush-Cricket (Isophya costata Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878) (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae) in Slovakia Journal Article

Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle «Grigore Antipa», 60 (2), pp. 435-440, 2017.

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Historické štruktúry poľnohospodárskej krajiny Slovenska

Špulerová, Jana; Štefunková, Dagmar; Dobrovodská, Marta; Izakovičová, Zita; Kenderessy, Pavol; Vlachovičová, Miriam; Lieskovský, Juraj; Piscová, Veronika; Petrovič, František; Kanka, Róbert; Bača, Andrej; Barančoková, Mária; Bezák, Peter; Bezáková, Magdaléna; Boltižiar, Martin; Mojses, Matej; Dubcová, Magdaléna; Gajdoš, Peter; Gerhátová, Katarína; Izsóff, Martin; Kalivoda, Henrik; Miklósová, Viktória; Degro, Monika; Šatalová, Barbora; Krištín, Anton; Dankaninová, Lenka; Kalivodová, Eva; Majzlan, Oto; Mihál, Ivan; Stašiov, Slavomír; Šolomeková, Tatiana; Ambros, Michal; Baláž, Ivan; Halabuk, Andrej

Historické štruktúry poľnohospodárskej krajiny Slovenska Book

VEDA vydavateľstvo Slovenskej akadémie vied, 2017.


Foraging opportunism and feeding frequency in the red-footed falcon ( Falco vespertinus ) in Slovakia: case study from 2017

Chavko, J; Krištín, A

Foraging opportunism and feeding frequency in the red-footed falcon ( Falco vespertinus ) in Slovakia: case study from 2017 Journal Article

Slovak Raptor Journal, 11 , pp. 31-41, 2017.

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Food supply (Orthoptera, Mantodea, Rodentia and Eulipotyphla) and food preferences of the red-footed falcon ( Falco vespertinus ) in Slovakia

Krištín, A; Tulis, F; Klimant, P; Bacsa, K; Ambros, M

Food supply (Orthoptera, Mantodea, Rodentia and Eulipotyphla) and food preferences of the red-footed falcon ( Falco vespertinus ) in Slovakia Journal Article

Slovak Raptor Journal, 11 , pp. 1-14, 2017.


Diet composition of syntopically breeding falcon species Falco vespertinus and Falco tinnunculus in south-western Slovakia

Tulis, F; Slobodník, R; Langraf, V; Noga, M; Krumpálová, Z; Šustek, Z; Krištín, A

Diet composition of syntopically breeding falcon species Falco vespertinus and Falco tinnunculus in south-western Slovakia Journal Article

Slovak Raptor Journal, 11 , pp. 15-30, 2017.



Chránené vtáčie územia Slovenska

Karaska, D; Trnka, A; Krištín, A; Ridzoň, J

Chránené vtáčie územia Slovenska Book

Štátna ochrana prírody Slovenskej republiky, Banská Bystrica, 2016, ISBN: 978-80-89802-16-6.


Distribution and ecology of the flightless bush-cricket Poecilimon schmidtii at its northern range margin

Krištín, A; Jarčuška, B

Distribution and ecology of the flightless bush-cricket Poecilimon schmidtii at its northern range margin Journal Article

Biologia, 71 (9), pp. 1049-1060, 2016.

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