Jánošíková Zuzana

Jánošíková Zuzana

Plant Pathology and Mycology RG

Mgr. Zuzana Jánošíková, PhD.

Slovak Academy of Sciences
Institute of Forest Ecology
Plant Pathology & Mycology Research Group
Akademická 2
949 01 Nitra
Phone:  +421 37 6943337
Email: janosikova@ife.sk

Research Interests: Tree pathology, diversity and distribution of fungal pathogens, pathogens ecology, biology and virulence, hosts susceptibility
Current research interest: Dothistroma needle blight, fungal pathogens of pines


  • PhD., Faculty of Natural Sciences, Constantin The Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovak Republic, 2013 (nature protection and use of the landscape)
  • MSc., Faculty of Natural Sciences, Constantin The Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovak Republic, 2009 (ecology)

Academic employment:

  • Institute of Forest Ecology of Slovak Academy of Sciences
    • researcher (since 2013)


  • VEGA 2/0132/22 Impact of climate change on the distribution of selected pathogens of Pinus sp. trees  (2022-2025, project leader)
  • MVTS Ochrana mestských stromov (2021-2025, project leader)
  • VEGA 2/0077/18 Identification, genetic variability a pathogenicity of economically important needle cast species on pines (2018-2021, member of research team)
  • VEGA 2/0062/18 Ash dieback: the casual agents and disease control strategy (2018-2021, member of research team)
  • SK-FR-2017-0025 Spatial analyses in population genetic studies of tree pathogens (2018-2019, member of research team)
  • VEGA 2/0069/14 Biology, spread and diagnostics of harmful agent Dothistroma septosporum (Mycosphaerella pini), D. pini and other harful agents of pines assimilation organs (2014-2017, member of research team)
  • VEGA 2/0071/14 Species diversity and biological characteristics of parasitic fungi associated with damage and withering of woody plants (2014-2017, member of research team)

International projects:

  • COST CA23148 / European Network for the Integrative Approach of Urban Forestry (INTUF) (2024-2028, member of WG1 and WG4)
  • COST CA20132 Urban Tree Guard – Safeguarding European urban trees and forests through improved biosecurity (2021-2025, member of WG1 and WG2)
  • COST FP 1403 Pine pitch canker – strategies for management of Gibberella circinata in greenhouses and forests (2015-2019)
  • COST FP 1102 Determining invasiveness and risk of Dothistroma (2011-2015)


  • 2015 – short term scientific mission, STSM purpose: Genetic diversity of Dothistroma in Slovakia, Centre for Ecosystems, Society and Biosecurity, Forest Research, Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom, Domain: Forests, their Products and Services COST Action Number FP1102 Determining Invasiveness And Risk Of Dothistroma (DIAROD)
  • 2014 – short term scientific mission, STSM Purpose: Resistance Mechanisms in Scots Pine to infection by Dothistroma septosporum, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom, Domain: Forests, their Products and Services COST Action Number FP1102 Determining Invasiveness And Risk Of Dothistroma (DIAROD)
  • 2014 COST Action FP1102 DIAROD Training School on Molecular Detection and Population Genetics of Dothistroma Needle Blight Pathogens, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – SLU Uppsala, Sweden
  • 2014 COST Action: FP1102 DIAROD Training School on: Field Detection and Surveillance of Dothistroma needle blight pathogens, Alice Holt Lodge, Farnham, United Kingdom
  • 2010 – Training on approaches to sustainable development in mountain areas under global change – Erasmus Intensive Programme SUSTMONT, University of Innsbruck

List of my publications:


Collaborative approaches to urban tree biosecurity: Stakeholder’s perceptions, actions and social networks

Paletto, Alessandro; Sergiacomi, Carlotta; Marzano, Mariella; Avdibegović, Mersudin; Bełka, Marta; Blumenstein, Kathrin; Bragança, Helena; Branco, Manuela R; Burokienė, Daiva; Casero, Julio Javier Diez; Đorđević, Ilija D; Dobšinská, Zuzana; Hrafnkelsdóttir, Brynja; Kacprzyk, Magdalena; Korkmaz, Yasin; Kičić, Martina; Jürisoo, Liina; İpekdal, Kahraman; Jánošíková, Zuzana; Lībiete, Zane; Marčiulynienė, Diana; Matošević, Dinka; Meňházová, Jitka; Orlović, Saša; Morales-Rodríguez, Carmen; Papazova-Anakieva, Irena; Malovrh, Špela Pezdevšek; Poljaković-Pajnik, Leopold; Ramos, Ana Paula; Treštić, Tarik; Tuba, Katalin; Vettraino, Anna Maria; Zlatković, Milica; Witzell, Johanna

Collaborative approaches to urban tree biosecurity: Stakeholder’s perceptions, actions and social networks Journal Article

Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 105 , 2025, ISSN: 1618-8667.

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Ondrušková, E; Kobza, M; Jánošíková, Z; McDougal, R; Adamčíková, K

Which Cyclaneusma minus morphotypes are responsible for needle cast of Pinus sp. in Slovakia? Journal Article

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 131 , pp. 1665–1672, 2024, ISSN: 1861-3829.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Virulence of Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini on Pinus nigra and P. mugo under conditions of natural infection

Jánošíková, Z; Kobza, M; Ondrušková, E; Ostrovský, R; Pažitný, J; Adamčíková, K

Virulence of Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini on Pinus nigra and P. mugo under conditions of natural infection Journal Article

European Journal of Plant Pathology, 168 (2), pp. 775-785, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Artificial inoculation and susceptibility of Pinus armandii to  Dothistroma septosporum

Jánošíková, Z; Ondrušková, E; Adamčíková, K

Artificial inoculation and susceptibility of Pinus armandii to Dothistroma septosporum Journal Article

Forest Pathology, 53 (5), pp. e12826, 2023, ISSN: 1439-0329.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

New regional records of Dothistroma needle blight pathogens from Slovakia: distribution, hosts and pathogens characterization

Adamčíková, K; Pastirčáková, K; Jánošíková, Z; Ostrovský, R; Pastirčák, M; Pažitný, J; Kobza, M; Adamčík, S; Kádasi-Horáková, M; Ondrušková, E

New regional records of Dothistroma needle blight pathogens from Slovakia: distribution, hosts and pathogens characterization Journal Article

Annals of Forest Research, 66 (1), pp. 99-111, 2023, ISSN: 1844-8135.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Checking the balance between pathogenic and mutualistic pine needle fungi of the genus Lophodermium in forested  and urban areas of Slovakia

Ondrušková, E; Adamčík, S; Kobza, M; Jánošíková, Z; Ostrovský, R; Pastirčáková, K; Caboň, M; Adamčíková, K

Checking the balance between pathogenic and mutualistic pine needle fungi of the genus Lophodermium in forested and urban areas of Slovakia Journal Article

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 38 (1-2), pp. 39-48, 2023, ISSN: 1651-1891.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Host range, genetic variability, and mating types of Lecanosticta acicola in Slovakia

Adamčíková, K; Jánošíková, Z; Adamčík, S; Ostrovský, R; Pastirčáková, K; Kobza, M; Ondrušková, E

Host range, genetic variability, and mating types of Lecanosticta acicola in Slovakia Journal Article

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 36 (5), pp. 325-332, 2021, ISSN: 0282-7581.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Population structure and genetic diversity suggest recent introductions of Dothistroma pini in Slovakia

Adamčíková, K; Jánošíková, Z; van der Nest, A; Adamčík, S; Ondrušková, E; Barnes, I

Population structure and genetic diversity suggest recent introductions of Dothistroma pini in Slovakia Journal Article

Plant Pathology, 70 (8), pp. 1883-1896, 2021, ISSN: 1365-3059.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Population structure and genetic diversity of Dothistroma septosporum in Slovakia

Jánošíková, Z; Dutech, C; Ondrušková, E; Adamčíková, K; Mullett, M

Population structure and genetic diversity of Dothistroma septosporum in Slovakia Journal Article

European Journal of Plant Pathology, 160 (4), pp. 771-787, 2021, ISSN: 1573-8469.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Divergence in culture morphology between two related species, Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini

Adamčíková, K; Ondrušková, E; Pažitný, J; Jánošíková, Z

Divergence in culture morphology between two related species, Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini Journal Article

Czech Mycology, 73 (1), pp. 109-119, 2021, ISSN: 1805-1421.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Worldwide Genetic Structure Elucidates the Eurasian Origin and Invasion Pathways of Dothistroma septosporum, Causal Agent of Dothistroma Needle Blight

Mullett, M S; Drenkhan, R; Adamson, K; Boroń, P; Lenart-Boroń, A; Barnes, I; Tomšovský, M; Jánošíková, Z; Adamčíková, K; Ondrušková, E; Queloz, V; Piškur, B; Musolin, D L; Davydenko, K; Georgieva, M; Schmitz, S; Kačergius, A; Ghelardini, L; Orlović, Kranjec J; Müller, M; Oskay, F; Hauptman, T; Halász, Á; Markovskaja, S; Solheim, H; Vuorinen, M; Heinzelmann, R; Hamelin, R C; Konečný, A

Worldwide Genetic Structure Elucidates the Eurasian Origin and Invasion Pathways of Dothistroma septosporum, Causal Agent of Dothistroma Needle Blight Journal Article

Journal of Fungi, 7 (2), pp. Article number: 111, 2021, ISBN: 2309-608X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Inhibition effect of selected inorganic metal ions on the mycelial growth of Cryphonectria parasitica

Adamčíková, K; Jánošíková, Z; Pažitný, J

Inhibition effect of selected inorganic metal ions on the mycelial growth of Cryphonectria parasitica Journal Article

Journal of Plant Protection Research, 60 (4), pp. 399-405, 2020, ISSN: 1427-4345.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Selected climatic variables in Slovakia are favourable to the development of Dothistroma needle blight

Ondrušková, Emília; Ostrovský, Radovan; Jánošíková, Zuzana; Adamčíková, Katarína; Kobza, Marek

Selected climatic variables in Slovakia are favourable to the development of Dothistroma needle blight Journal Article

Folia Oecologica, 47 (2), pp. 144-152, 2020.

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Needle blight caused by Dothistroma pini in Slovakia: distribution, host range and mating types

Ondrušková, E; Jánošíková, Z; Adamčík, S; Kádasi-Horáková, M; Rákusová-Sládková, D; Adamčíková, K

Needle blight caused by Dothistroma pini in Slovakia: distribution, host range and mating types Journal Article

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 33 (7), pp. 650-656, 2018, ISSN: 1651-1891.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

The hosts and geographic range of Dothistroma needle blight in Slovakia

Jánošíková-Hečková, Z; Ondrušková, E; Barta, M; Ostrovský, R; Kádasi-Horáková, M; Pastirčáková, K; Kobza, M; Adamčíková, K

The hosts and geographic range of Dothistroma needle blight in Slovakia Journal Article

Forest Pathology, 48 (3), pp. e12421, 2018, ISSN: 1437-4781.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Distribution and characterization of Dothistroma needle blight pathogens on Pinus mugo in Slovakia

Ondrušková, E; Hečková, Z; Kádasi-Horáková, M; Koltay, A; Ostrovský, R; Pažitný, J; Adamčíková, K

Distribution and characterization of Dothistroma needle blight pathogens on Pinus mugo in Slovakia Journal Article

European Journal of Plant Pathology, 148 (2), pp. 283-294, 2017, ISSN: 0929-1873.

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Biological control of Dothistroma needle blight on pine with Aneurinibacillus migulanus

Alenezi, F N; Fraser, S; Bełka, M; Doğmuş, T H; Heckova, Z; Oskay, F; Belbahri, L; Woodward, S

Biological control of Dothistroma needle blight on pine with Aneurinibacillus migulanus Journal Article

Forest Pathology : Journal de pathologie forestiere, 46 (5), pp. 145-224, 2015, ISBN: 1437-4781.

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