Artimová Renata

Artimová Renata

Plant Pathology and Mycology RG

Ing. Renata Artimová, PhD.

Slovak Academy of Sciences
Institute of Forest Ecology
Plant Pathology & Mycology Research Group
Akademická 2
949 01 Nitra


Research Interests: metagenomics, NGS, abiotic stress, plant protection, plant growth promoting bacteria, biological control


  • PhD. in Molecular Biology; Department of Microbiology, Institute of Biotechnology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (2018-2022)
  • Ing. in Applied Biology; Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (2016-2018)

Academic employment:

  • Researcher: Department of Plant Pathology and Mycology, Institute of Forest Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences (since 2023)
  • Researcher: Research Centre AgroBioTech, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (2022-2023)


  • COST CA22158 Exploiting Plant-Microbiomes Networks and Synthetic Communities to improve Crops Fitness (2023-2026)
  • VEGA 1/0573/23 Compost microbiome and its role in quality improvement of soil and crop production. (2023-2026)
  • KEGA 022SPU-4/2021 Preparation of new didactic tools for education combining the classical form with e-learning for the subject Microbiology in Gastronomy (2021-2023)
  • OP 313011W112 Udržateľné systémy inteligentného farmárstva zohľadňujúce výzvy budúcnosti (2019-2023)
  • VEGA 1/0661/19 Plant microbiome and safe food (2019-2022)
  • KEGA 013SPU-4/2020 Implementation of research results from environmental and applied microbiology into the teaching process and creation of new study materials at II. and III. degree. (2020-2022)
  • KEGA 014SPU-4/2017 Innovation of education in subjects from microbiology area for the study programs Applied biology and Agrobiotechnologies (2017-2019)
  • VEGA 1/0305/17 – Bioactive metabolites of soil and endophytic bacteria in organic farming. (2017-2019)


  • ERASMUS+ Internship 2021 – Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
  • ERASMUS+ Internship 2018 – Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic


List of my publications:


Effect of Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer,Microbial and Humic Substance-Based Biostimulants on SoilMicrobiological Properties During Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) Cultivation

Maková, J; Artimová, R; Javoreková, S; Adamec, S; Paulen, O; Andrejiová, A; Ducsay, L; Medo, J

Effect of Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer,Microbial and Humic Substance-Based Biostimulants on SoilMicrobiological Properties During Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) Cultivation Journal Article

Horticulturae, 11 , pp. 119, 2025.

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