Adamčíková Katarína

Adamčíková Katarína

Plant Pathology and Mycology RG

Mgr. Katarína Adamčíková, PhD.

Slovak Academy of Sciences
Institute of Forest Ecology
Plant Pathology & Mycology Research Group
Akademická 2
949 01 Nitra
Phone:  +421 37 6943 339

Research Interests: fungal diseases of woody plants, biological control, mycology, diversity and distribution of pathogens, plant protection. Current research interest: chestnut blight disease, Dothistroma needle blight, ash dieback.


  • PhD., Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia 2004 (plant protection)
  • MSc., Faculty of Natural Sciences Comenius University Bratislava, Department of Plant Physiology, Slovak Republic 1997 (biology – plant physiology)

Academic employment:

  • Institute of Forest Ecology of Slovak Academy of Sciences
    • Senior researcher (since 2013)
    • Head of Branch for Woody Plants Biology (since 2012)
    • Scientific researcher – (2003 – 2012)
    • PhD. student (1997 – 2003)

National projects:

  • MVTS Ochrana mestských stromov (2021-2025, member of research team)
  • VEGA 2/0132/22 Impact of climate change on the distribution of selected pathogens of Pinus sp. trees (2022-2025, deputy of project leader)
  • VEGA 2/0050/22 Unraveling of functional diversity and ecological role of fungi of the family Clavariaceae (2022-2025, member of research team)
  • VEGA 1/0346/22 What we (do not) know about the genus Crepidotus (Agaricomycotina, fungi), (2022-2025, member of research team)
  • APVV-20-0257 Tree and country – influence of trees on diversity of soil microorganisms in agricultural land (2021-2025, member of research team)
  • VEGA 2/0077/18 Identification, genetic variability a pathogenicity of economically important needle cast species on pines (2018-2021, project leader)
  • VEGA 2/0062/18 Ash dieback: the causal agents and disease control strategy (2018-2021, member of research team)
  • SK-FR-2017-0025 Spatial analyses in population genetic studies of tree pathogens (2018-2019, project leader)
  • VEGA 2/0018/18 Systematics and phylogeny of the genus Dermoloma in Europe and North America (2018-2021, member of research team)
  • APVV-15-0210 Distribution potential of different fungal groups in Europe (2016–2020, member of research team)
  • VEGA 2/00143/15 Study of the effect of environmental variables on the incidence and spread of chestnut blight in European chestnut (Castanea sativa) in Slovakia and possibilities to control this disease (2015-2018, deputy of project leader)
  • VEGA 2/0069/14 Biology, spread and diagnostics of harmful agent Dothistroma septosporum (Mycosphaerella pini), D. pini and other harmful agents of pines assimilation organs (2014-2017, deputy of project leader)
  • VEGA 2/0071/14 Species diversity and biological characteristics of parasitic fungi associated with damage and withering of woody plants (2014-2017, member of research team)
  • HUSK/1101/2.2.1/0230 Name of project: Our common natural resource: the European chestnut (2012-2014, project leader)
  • APVV SK-MAD 0024-10 Study of genetic resources of selected nut crops in Slovakia and Romania (2011-2012, member of research team)
  • VEGA 2/0149/10 Study of morphological, genetical and biological characteristics of selected genera of fungi from Coelomycetes, their pathogenicity and occurrence in different ecological conditions (2010-2013, member of research team)
  • VEGA 2/0149/10 Study of the phenotypic and genetic variability and different susceptibility to the fungi diseases European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) (2010-2013, member of research team)

International projects:

  • Euphresco 2016-G-223 Lecanosticta – Brown spot disease of pines – spread in European forest ecosystems: impact on pines, predisposing and contributing factors, control (2017-2020, member of research team)
  • COST FP 1403 Pine pitch canker – strategies for management of Gibberella circinata in greenhouses and forests (2015-2019)
  • COST FP 1103 Fraxinus dieback in Europe: elaborating guidelines and strategies for sustainable management (2012-2016)
  • COST FP 1102 Determining invasiveness and risk of Dothistroma (2011-2015)

List of my publications:

71 entries « 1 of 2 »


Pseudobaeosporoideae, a new subfamily within the Tricholomataceae for the genus Pseudobaeospora (Agaricales, Tricholomatineae) based on morphological and molecular inference

Vizzini, A; Consiglio, G; Adamčíková, K; Setti, L; Adamčík, S

Pseudobaeosporoideae, a new subfamily within the Tricholomataceae for the genus Pseudobaeospora (Agaricales, Tricholomatineae) based on morphological and molecular inference Journal Article

IMA Fungus, 16 , pp. e144994, 2025.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Indication of the sensitivity of Pinaceae species growing in Eastern Central Europe to ground-level ozone pollution.

Lukasová, V; Varšová, S; Žatková, L; Adamčíková, - K; Buchholceová, A; Onderka, M; Milovský, R; Bilčík, D; Mináriková, V

Indication of the sensitivity of Pinaceae species growing in Eastern Central Europe to ground-level ozone pollution. Journal Article

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 32 (2), pp. 2638-2655, 2025.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Fungi associated with ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus germanus in Slovakia

Pastirčáková, K; Baková, K; Adamčíková, K; Barta, M; Lalík, M; Pavlík, M; Kunca, A; Galko, J; Pastirčák, M

Fungi associated with ambrosia beetle Xylosandrus germanus in Slovakia Journal Article

Biologia, 79 (8), pp. 2387-2400, 2024, ISSN: 0006-3088.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Taxonomic reintroduction of the holarctic saprotrophic fungus Crepidotus cinnamomeus

Jančovičová, S; Adamčíková, K; Caboň, M; Graddy, M G; Matheny, P B; Noffsinger, Ch. R; Wheeler, T B; Adamčík, S

Taxonomic reintroduction of the holarctic saprotrophic fungus Crepidotus cinnamomeus Journal Article

Mycological Progress, 23 , pp. 49, 2024, ISSN: 1617-416X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Ondrušková, E; Kobza, M; Jánošíková, Z; McDougal, R; Adamčíková, K

Which Cyclaneusma minus morphotypes are responsible for needle cast of Pinus sp. in Slovakia? Journal Article

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 131 , pp. 1665–1672, 2024, ISSN: 1861-3829.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Virulence of Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini on Pinus nigra and P. mugo under conditions of natural infection

Jánošíková, Z; Kobza, M; Ondrušková, E; Ostrovský, R; Pažitný, J; Adamčíková, K

Virulence of Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini on Pinus nigra and P. mugo under conditions of natural infection Journal Article

European Journal of Plant Pathology, 168 (2), pp. 775-785, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Three new species in Russula subsection Xerampelinae supported by  genealogical and phenotypic coherence

Noffsinger, Ch. R; Adamčíková, K; Eberhardt, U; Caboň, M; Bazzicalup, A; Buyck, B; Kaufmann, H; Weholt, Ø; Looney, B P; Matheny, P B; Berbee, M L; Tausan, D; Adamčík, S

Three new species in Russula subsection Xerampelinae supported by genealogical and phenotypic coherence Journal Article

Mycologia, 116 (2), pp. 322-349, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Artificial inoculation and susceptibility of Pinus armandii to  Dothistroma septosporum

Jánošíková, Z; Ondrušková, E; Adamčíková, K

Artificial inoculation and susceptibility of Pinus armandii to Dothistroma septosporum Journal Article

Forest Pathology, 53 (5), pp. e12826, 2023, ISSN: 1439-0329.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

New regional records of Dothistroma needle blight pathogens from Slovakia: distribution, hosts and pathogens characterization

Adamčíková, K; Pastirčáková, K; Jánošíková, Z; Ostrovský, R; Pastirčák, M; Pažitný, J; Kobza, M; Adamčík, S; Kádasi-Horáková, M; Ondrušková, E

New regional records of Dothistroma needle blight pathogens from Slovakia: distribution, hosts and pathogens characterization Journal Article

Annals of Forest Research, 66 (1), pp. 99-111, 2023, ISSN: 1844-8135.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Hymenoscyphus fraxineus on Fraxinus excelsior in Slovakia: distribution and mating types

Kádasi-Horáková, M; Barta, M; Adamčíková, K; Ostrovský, R; Pastirčáková, K

Hymenoscyphus fraxineus on Fraxinus excelsior in Slovakia: distribution and mating types Journal Article

Biologia, 78 (5), pp. 1219-1230, 2023, ISSN: 0006-3088.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Development and changes in pathogens population causing  Dothistroma needle blight in Pinus nigra plantation in Strážovské  vrchy Mts

Jánošíková, R; Adamčíková, K

Development and changes in pathogens population causing Dothistroma needle blight in Pinus nigra plantation in Strážovské vrchy Mts Journal Article

Biologia, 78 (5), pp. 1231-1237, 2023, ISSN: 1336-9563.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Checking the balance between pathogenic and mutualistic pine needle fungi of the genus Lophodermium in forested  and urban areas of Slovakia

Ondrušková, E; Adamčík, S; Kobza, M; Jánošíková, Z; Ostrovský, R; Pastirčáková, K; Caboň, M; Adamčíková, K

Checking the balance between pathogenic and mutualistic pine needle fungi of the genus Lophodermium in forested and urban areas of Slovakia Journal Article

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 38 (1-2), pp. 39-48, 2023, ISSN: 1651-1891.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

The increasing threat to European forests from the invasive foliar pine  pathogen, Lecanosticta acicola

Tubby, K; Adamčíková, K; Adamson, K; Akiba, M; Barnes, I; Boroń, P; Bragança, H; Bulgakov, T; Burgdorf, N; Capretti, P; Cech, T; Cleary, M; Davydenko, K; Drenkhan, R; Elvira-Recuenco, M; Enderle, R; Gardner, J; Georgieva, M; Ghelardini, L; Husson, C; Iturritxa, E; Markovskaja, S; Mesanza, N; Ogris, N; Oskay, F; Piškur, B; Queloz, V; Raitelaityte, K; Raposo, R; Soukainen, M; Strasser, L; Vahalík, P; Vester, M; Mullett, M

The increasing threat to European forests from the invasive foliar pine pathogen, Lecanosticta acicola Journal Article

Forets Ecology and Management, 536 , pp. 120847, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Population structure and diversity of the needle pathogen Dothistroma pini suggests human-mediated movement in Europe

van der Nest, A; Wingfield, M J; Sadiković, D; Mullett, M S; Marçais, B; Queloz, V; Adamčíková, K; Davydenko, K; Barnes, I

Population structure and diversity of the needle pathogen Dothistroma pini suggests human-mediated movement in Europe Journal Article

Frontiers in Genetics, 14 , pp. 1103331, 2023, ISSN: 1338-7014.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Modified electrolyte leakage method for testing the oxidative stability of Pinus mugo Turra under ozone-induced stress

Bičárová, Svetlana; Lukasová, Veronika; Adamčíková, Katarína; Žatková, Lucia; Milovský, Rastislav; Shashikumar, Anumol; Pažitný, Jozef; Buchholcerová, Anna; Bilčík, Dušan

Modified electrolyte leakage method for testing the oxidative stability of Pinus mugo Turra under ozone-induced stress Journal Article

Folia Oecologica, 50 (1), pp. 1 - 15, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Diversity, migration routes, and worldwide population genetic structure of Lecanosticta acicola, the causal agent of brown spot needle blight

Laas, M; Adamson, K; Barnes, I; Janoušek, J; Mullett, M S; Adamčíková, K; Akiba, M; Beenken, L; Braganca, H; Bulgakov, T S; Capretti, P; Cech, T; Cleary, M; Enderle, R; Ghelardini, L; Jankovský, L; Markovskaja, S; Matsiakh, I; Meyer, J B; Oskay, F; Piškur, B; Raitelaitytė, K; Sadiković, D; Drenkhan, R

Diversity, migration routes, and worldwide population genetic structure of Lecanosticta acicola, the causal agent of brown spot needle blight Journal Article

Molecular Plant Pathology, 23 (11), pp. 1620-1639, 2022, ISSN: 1364-3703.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Low sensitivity of Pinus mugo to surface ozone pollution in the subalpine zone of continental Europe

Lukasová, V; Bičárová, S; Buchholcerová, A; Adamčíková, K

Low sensitivity of Pinus mugo to surface ozone pollution in the subalpine zone of continental Europe Journal Article

International Journal of Biometeorology, 66 (11), pp. 2311–2324, 2022, ISSN: 0020-7128.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Phylogeny of Crepidotus applanatus Look-Alikes Reveals a Convergent Morphology Evolution and a New Species C. pini

Jančovičová, S; Adamčíková, K; Caboň, M; Adamčík, S

Phylogeny of Crepidotus applanatus Look-Alikes Reveals a Convergent Morphology Evolution and a New Species C. pini Journal Article

Journal of Fungi, 8 (489), 2022, ISSN: 2309-608X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Fungal Biodiversity Profiles 111-120

Buyck, B; Eyssartier, G; Armada, F; Corrales, A; Hembrom, M E; Rossi, W; Bellanger, J M; Das, K; Dima, B; Ghosh, A; Noordeloos, M E; Parihar, A; Krisai-Greilhuber, I; M., Leonardi M; Manz, C; Vera, M; Vila, J; Adamčíková, K; Bizio, E; Caboň, M; Hampe, F; Piepenbring, M; Adamčík, S

Fungal Biodiversity Profiles 111-120 Journal Article

Cryptogamie. Mycologie, 43 (2), pp. 23-61, 2022, ISSN: 1776-100.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Stability of trees infected by wood decay fungi estimated by acoustic tomography: a field survey

Kobza, M; Ostrovský, R; Adamčíková, K; Pastirčáková, K

Stability of trees infected by wood decay fungi estimated by acoustic tomography: a field survey Journal Article

Trees Structure and Function, 36 (1), pp. 103-112, 2022, ISSN: 1432-2285.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Four new species of Russula subsection Roseinae from tropical montane forests in western Panama

Manz, C; Adamčík, S; Looney, B P; Corrales, A; Ovrebo, C; Adamčíková, K; Hofmann, T A; Hampe, F; Piepenbring, M

Four new species of Russula subsection Roseinae from tropical montane forests in western Panama Journal Article

PLoS ONE, 16 (10), pp. e0257616, 2021, ISSN: 1932-6203.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Enlightening the black and white: species delimitation and UNITE species hypothesis testing in the Russula albonigra species complex

Lange, De R; Adamčík, S; Adamčíková, K; Asselman, P; Borovička, J; Delgat, L; Hampe, F; Verbeken, A

Enlightening the black and white: species delimitation and UNITE species hypothesis testing in the Russula albonigra species complex Journal Article

IMA Fungus, 20 (Article ID 12), pp. 1-31, 2021, ISSN: 2210-6359.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Host range, genetic variability, and mating types of Lecanosticta acicola in Slovakia

Adamčíková, K; Jánošíková, Z; Adamčík, S; Ostrovský, R; Pastirčáková, K; Kobza, M; Ondrušková, E

Host range, genetic variability, and mating types of Lecanosticta acicola in Slovakia Journal Article

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 36 (5), pp. 325-332, 2021, ISSN: 0282-7581.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Population structure and genetic diversity suggest recent introductions of Dothistroma pini in Slovakia

Adamčíková, K; Jánošíková, Z; van der Nest, A; Adamčík, S; Ondrušková, E; Barnes, I

Population structure and genetic diversity suggest recent introductions of Dothistroma pini in Slovakia Journal Article

Plant Pathology, 70 (8), pp. 1883-1896, 2021, ISSN: 1365-3059.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Population structure and genetic diversity of Dothistroma septosporum in Slovakia

Jánošíková, Z; Dutech, C; Ondrušková, E; Adamčíková, K; Mullett, M

Population structure and genetic diversity of Dothistroma septosporum in Slovakia Journal Article

European Journal of Plant Pathology, 160 (4), pp. 771-787, 2021, ISSN: 1573-8469.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Morphological and genetic diversification of Russula floriformis, sp. nov., along the Isthmus of Panama

Vera, M; Adamčík, S; Adamčíková, K; Hampe, F; Caboň, M; Manz, C; Overbo, C; Peipenbring, M; Corrales, A

Morphological and genetic diversification of Russula floriformis, sp. nov., along the Isthmus of Panama Journal Article

Mycologia, 113 (4), pp. 807-827, 2021, ISSN: 1557-2536.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Divergence in culture morphology between two related species, Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini

Adamčíková, K; Ondrušková, E; Pažitný, J; Jánošíková, Z

Divergence in culture morphology between two related species, Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini Journal Article

Czech Mycology, 73 (1), pp. 109-119, 2021, ISSN: 1805-1421.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Erysiphe hypophylla, a second powdery mildew (Erysiphales) on oaks in Britain

Pastirčáková, K; Adamčík, S; Adamčíková, K; Chater, A O

Erysiphe hypophylla, a second powdery mildew (Erysiphales) on oaks in Britain Journal Article

Field Mycology, 22 (2), pp. 50-54, 2021, ISSN: 1468-1641.

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Worldwide Genetic Structure Elucidates the Eurasian Origin and Invasion Pathways of Dothistroma septosporum, Causal Agent of Dothistroma Needle Blight

Mullett, M S; Drenkhan, R; Adamson, K; Boroń, P; Lenart-Boroń, A; Barnes, I; Tomšovský, M; Jánošíková, Z; Adamčíková, K; Ondrušková, E; Queloz, V; Piškur, B; Musolin, D L; Davydenko, K; Georgieva, M; Schmitz, S; Kačergius, A; Ghelardini, L; Orlović, Kranjec J; Müller, M; Oskay, F; Hauptman, T; Halász, Á; Markovskaja, S; Solheim, H; Vuorinen, M; Heinzelmann, R; Hamelin, R C; Konečný, A

Worldwide Genetic Structure Elucidates the Eurasian Origin and Invasion Pathways of Dothistroma septosporum, Causal Agent of Dothistroma Needle Blight Journal Article

Journal of Fungi, 7 (2), pp. Article number: 111, 2021, ISBN: 2309-608X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

The genus Dermoloma is more diverse than expected and forms a monophyletic lineage in the Tricholomataceae

Sánchez-García, M; Adamčíková, K; Moreau, P -A; Vizzini, A; Jančovičová, S; Kiran, M; Caboň, M; Matheny, P B; Adamčík, S

The genus Dermoloma is more diverse than expected and forms a monophyletic lineage in the Tricholomataceae Journal Article

Mycological Progress, 20 (1), pp. 11–25, 2021, ISSN: 1617-416X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Ash Trees (Fraxinus spp.) in Urban Greenery as Possible Invasion Gates of Non-Native Phyllactinia Species

Pastirčáková, Katarína; Adamčíková, Katarína; Bacigálová, Kamila; Caboň, Miroslav; Mikušová, Petra; Senko, Dušan; Svitok, Marek; Adamčík, Slavomír

Ash Trees (Fraxinus spp.) in Urban Greenery as Possible Invasion Gates of Non-Native Phyllactinia Species Journal Article

Forests, 12 (2), pp. 183, 2021, ISSN: 1999-4907.

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The response of Pinus species to ozone uptake in different climate regions of Europe

Bičárová, S; Shashikumar, A; Richier, Dalstein- L; Lukasová, V; Adamčíková, K; Pavlendová, H; Sitková, Z; Buchholcerová, A; Bilčík, D

The response of Pinus species to ozone uptake in different climate regions of Europe Journal Article

Central European Forestry Journal , 66 (4), pp. 255–268, 2020, ISBN: 2454-034X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Inhibition effect of selected inorganic metal ions on the mycelial growth of Cryphonectria parasitica

Adamčíková, K; Jánošíková, Z; Pažitný, J

Inhibition effect of selected inorganic metal ions on the mycelial growth of Cryphonectria parasitica Journal Article

Journal of Plant Protection Research, 60 (4), pp. 399-405, 2020, ISSN: 1427-4345.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Selected climatic variables in Slovakia are favourable to the development of Dothistroma needle blight

Ondrušková, Emília; Ostrovský, Radovan; Jánošíková, Zuzana; Adamčíková, Katarína; Kobza, Marek

Selected climatic variables in Slovakia are favourable to the development of Dothistroma needle blight Journal Article

Folia Oecologica, 47 (2), pp. 144-152, 2020.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Global Geographic Distribution and Host Range of Fusarium circinatum, the Causal Agent of Pine Pitch Canker

Drenkhan, R; Ganley, B; Martín-García, J; Vahalík, P; Adamson, K; Adamčíková, K; Ahumada, R; Blank, L; Bragança, H; Capretti, P; Cleary, M; Cornejo, C; Davydenko, K; Diez, J J; Lehtijärvi, Doğmuş H T; Dvořák, M; Enderle, R; Fourie, G; Georgieva, M; Ghelardini, L; Hantula, J; Ioos, R; Iturritxa, E; Kanetis, L; Karpun, N N; Koltay, A; Landeras, E; Markovskaja, S; Mesanza, N; Milenković, I; Musolin, D L; Nikolaou, K; Nowakowska, J A; Ogris, N; Oskay, F; Oszako, T; Papazova-Anakieva, I; Paraschiv, M; Pasquali, M; Pecori, F; Rafoss, T; Raitelaitytė, K; Raposo, R; Robin, C; Rodas, C A; A., Santini A; Sanz-Ros, A V; Selikhovkin, A V; Solla, A; Soukainen, M; Soulioti, N; Steenkamp, E T; Tsopelas, P; Vemić, A; Vettraino, A M; Wingfield, M J; Woodward, S; C., Zamora-Ballesteros C; Mullett, M S

Global Geographic Distribution and Host Range of Fusarium circinatum, the Causal Agent of Pine Pitch Canker Journal Article

Forests, 11 (7), 2020, ISSN: 1999-4907.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

How variable is Crepidotus variabilis?

Jančovičová, S; Adamčíková, K; Caboň, M; Adamčík, S

How variable is Crepidotus variabilis? Journal Article

Phytotaxa, 449 (3), pp. 243-264, 2020, ISSN: 1179-3155.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Host range of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus in Slovak arboreta

Pastirčáková, K; Adamčíková, K; Barta, M; Pažitný, J; Hoťka, P; Sarvašová, I; Kádasi-Horáková, M

Host range of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus in Slovak arboreta Journal Article

Forests, 11 (5), pp. 1-18, Article Number: 596, 2020, ISSN: 1999-4907.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

One step closer to unravelling the origin of Russula: subgenus Glutinosae subg. nov.

Buyck, B; Wang, X H; Adamčíková, K; Caboň, M; Jančovičová, S; Hofstetter, V; Adamčík, S

One step closer to unravelling the origin of Russula: subgenus Glutinosae subg. nov. Journal Article

Mycosphere, 11 (1), pp. 285–304, 2020, ISSN: 2077 7019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Hodophilus phaeophyllus complex (Clavariaceae, Agaricales) is defined as new phylogenetic lineage in Europe

Adamčík, S; Dima, B; Adamčíková, K; Corriol, G; Læssøe, T; Moreau, P -A; Caboň, M; Jančovičová, S

Hodophilus phaeophyllus complex (Clavariaceae, Agaricales) is defined as new phylogenetic lineage in Europe Journal Article

Mycological Progress, 19 (2), pp. 111-125, 2020, ISSN: 1617-416X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Potential Interactions Between Invasive Fusarium circinatum and Other Pine Pathogens in Europe

Elvira-Recuenco, M; Cacciola, S O; Sanz-Ros, A V; Garbelotto, M; Aguayo, J; Solla, A; Mullett, M; Drenkhan, T; Oskay, F; Kaya, A G A; Iturritxa, E; Cleary, M; Witzell, J; Georgieva, M; Papazova-Anakieva, I; Chira, D; Paraschiv, M; Musolin, D L; Selikhovkin, A V; Varentsova, Yu. E; Adamčíková, K; Markovskaja, S; Mesanza, N; Davydenko, K; Capretti, P; Scanu, B; Gonthier, P; Tsopelas, P; Martín-García, J; Morales-Rodríguez, C; Lehtijärvi, A; Lehtijärvi, Doğmuş H T; Oszako, T; Nowakowska, J A; Bragança, H; Fernández-Fernández, M; Hantula, J; Díez, J J

Potential Interactions Between Invasive Fusarium circinatum and Other Pine Pathogens in Europe Journal Article

Forests, 11 (1), 2020, ISSN: 1999-4907.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Adamčík, S; Looney, B; Caboň, M; Jančovičová, S; Adamčíková, K; Avis, P G; Barajas, M; Bhatt, R P; Corrales, A; Das, K; Hampe, F; Ghosh, A; Gates, G; Kälviäinen, V; Khalid, A N; Kiran, M; Lange, De R; Lee, H; Lim, Y W; Kong, A; Manz, C; Ovrebo, C; Saba, M; Taipale, T; Verbeken, A; Wisitrassameewong, K; Buyck, B

The quest for a globally comprehensible Russula language Journal Article

Fungal Diversity, 99 (1), pp. 369-449, 2019, ISSN: 1560-2745.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Hypovirulence in chestnut blight fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica, in Slovakia

K. Adamčíková E. Ondrušková, Kobza M

Hypovirulence in chestnut blight fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica, in Slovakia Journal Article

Biocontrol Science and Technology, 29 (9), pp. 840-851, 2019, ISSN: 0958-3157.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Variance in leaf spot susceptibility in chestnut trees of different species and hybrids

Pažitný, J; Kobza, M; Adamčíková, K

Variance in leaf spot susceptibility in chestnut trees of different species and hybrids Journal Article

Journal of Plant Disease and Protection, 126 (2), pp. 169-172, 2019, ISSN: 1861-3829.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Grading of blight resistance in different chestnut accessions.

Bolvanský, M; Pažitný, J; Adamčíková, K

Grading of blight resistance in different chestnut accessions. Journal Article

Acta Horticulturae, 1220 , pp. 87-94, 2018, ISSN: 05677572.

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Individual resistance of Fraxinus angustifolia and F. excelsior clones to Hymenoscyphus fraxineus

Adamčíková, K; Pažitný, J; Pastirčáková, K

Individual resistance of Fraxinus angustifolia and F. excelsior clones to Hymenoscyphus fraxineus Journal Article

Journal of Plant Protection Research, 58 (3), pp. 227-233, 2018, ISSN: 1427-4345.

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Two blue-stain fungi colonizing Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) trees infested by bark beetles in Slovakia, Central Europe

Pastirčáková, K; Adamčíková, K; Pastirčák, M; Zach, P; Galko, J; Kováč, M; Laco, J

Two blue-stain fungi colonizing Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) trees infested by bark beetles in Slovakia, Central Europe Journal Article

Biologia, 73 (11), pp. 1053-1066, 2018, ISSN: 0006-3088.

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Screening for resistance of progenies derived from Castanea sativa × C. crenata and C. crenata to Cryphonectria parasitica

Pažitný, J; Bolvanský, M; Adamčíková, K

Screening for resistance of progenies derived from Castanea sativa × C. crenata and C. crenata to Cryphonectria parasitica Journal Article

Forest Pathology, 48 (5), pp. e12439, 2018, ISSN: 1439-0329.

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Fungal Planet description sheets: 716-784

Crous, P W; Wingfield, M J; Burgess, T I; Hardy, G.E.St.J.; Gené, J; Guarro, J; García, Baseia I G D; Gusmão, L F P; Souza-Motta, C M; Thangavel, R; Adamčík, S; Barili, A; Barnes, C W; Bezerra, J D P; Bordallo, J J; Cano-Lira, J F; de Oliveira, R J V; Ercole, E; Hubka, V; Iturrieta-González, I; Kubátová, A; Martín, M P; Moreau, P -A; Morte, A; Ordoñez, M E; Rodríguez, A; Stchigel, A M; Vizzini, A; Abdollahzadeh, J; Abreu, V P; Adamčíková, K; Albuquerque, G M R; Alexandrova, A V; Álvarez_Duarte, E; Armstrong-Cho, C; Banniza, S; Barbosa, R N; Bellanger, J -M; Bezerra, J L; Cabral, T S; Caicedo, Caboňand M E; Cantillo, T; Carnegie, A J; Carmo, L T; Castañeda-Ruiz, R F; Clement, C R; Čmoková, A; Conceição, L B; Cruz, R H S F; Damm, U; da_Silva, B D B; da_Silva, G A; da_Silva, R M F; Santiago, A.L.C.M._de_A.; de_Oliveira, L F; de_Souza, C A F; Déniel, F; Dima, B; Dong, G; Edwards, J; Félix, C R; Fournier, J; Gibertoni, T B; Hosaka, K; Iturriaga, T; Jadan, M; Jany, J -L; Jurjević, Ž; Kolařík, M; Kušan, I; Landell, M F; Leite_Cordeiro, T R; Lima, X D; Loizides, M; Luo, S; Machado, A R; Madrid, H; Magalhães, O M C; Marinho, P; Matočec, N; Mešić, A; Miller, A N; Morozova, O V; Neves, R P; Nonaka, K; Nováková, A; Oberlies, N H; Oliveira-Filho, J R C; Oliveira, T G L; Papp, V; Pereira, O L; Perrone, G; Peterson, S W; Pham, T H G; Raja, H A; Raudabaugh, D B; Řehulka, J; Rodríguez-Andrade, E; Saba, M; Schauflerova, A; Shivas, R G; Simonini, G; Siqueira, J P Z; Sousa, J O; Stajsic, V; Svetasheva, T; Tan, Y P; Tkalčec, Z; Ullah, S; Valente, P; Valenzuela-Lopez, N; Abrinbana, M; Viana_Marques, D A; Wong, P T W; Xavier_de_Lima, V; Groenewald, J Z

Fungal Planet description sheets: 716-784 Journal Article

Persoonia, 40 , pp. 240-393, 2018, ISSN: 1878-9080.

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European Hodophilus (Clavariaceae, Agaricales) species with yellow stipe

Adamčík, S; Dima, B; Adamčíková, K; Læssøe, T; Moreau, P A; Vizzini, A; Jančovičová, S

European Hodophilus (Clavariaceae, Agaricales) species with yellow stipe Journal Article

Mycological Progress, 17 (9), pp. 1097-1111, 2018, ISSN: ISSN: 1861-8952 .

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Needle blight caused by Dothistroma pini in Slovakia: distribution, host range and mating types

Ondrušková, E; Jánošíková, Z; Adamčík, S; Kádasi-Horáková, M; Rákusová-Sládková, D; Adamčíková, K

Needle blight caused by Dothistroma pini in Slovakia: distribution, host range and mating types Journal Article

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 33 (7), pp. 650-656, 2018, ISSN: 1651-1891.

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